Beloved Stranger in Print!
Beloved Stranger, my Gaian book about Sonja Deems, my knife-wielding kick-ass secondary character from Beloved Traveler, is now available in print from Samhain Publishing and Amazon. This is the story about what happened when she went looking for her sisters on a Gaian mining colony, only to get married to one of the prisoners, Roan Dumas, who can kick ass pretty well himself, although he's a little more subtle about than she is.
Truth is that Sonja was just so much fun to write about in Beloved Traveler that I couldn't resist giving her a book of her own and her own hero... although in true Sonja fashion she doesn't believe in their marraige at first. I'm going to be selling personalized copies of the book at the RWA Literacy signing in Atlanta on July 17th.
sign up here!