Intergalactic Bar and Grille – Reader Party
RT Booklovers Convention - Chicago
(WEDNESDAY, 4:45-5:45pm) Never give up — never surrender … but always party! It’s time to sell your landspeeder, get the heck off Tatooine and join us at this stellar book-lover event. Beam up to the Intergalactic Bar and Grille for some nibbles, awesome goody bags, fabulous prizes and a chance to mix and mingle with out-of-this-world authors and readers! Special sci-fi gift for the first 100 patrons in line. Hosts: Linnea Sinclair and her interstellar crew: Cie Adams (aka Cat Adams), Catherine Asaro, Marcella Burnard, Robin Hobb, Stacey Kade, Isabo Kelly, Liddy Midnight, Janet Miller (aka Cricket Starr)
sign up here!