About Janet

Janet / Cricket

During the weekday Janet Miller, sometimes known as J.L. Miller or Cricket Starr, is a mild-mannered software engineer who writes code and design documents. But at night and on weekends she turns to the creation of offbeat stories about imaginary pasts, presents, and futures, where ladies become warriors, or go to the stars to find love, and a man really can save a struggling software company.

But no matter when the story happens, or where the hero or heroine is, there will always be adventure, humor, and meaning to the tale.

Her writing has won her multiple awards, recommended reads, stars, unicorns, and hearts and even a couple of trophies that look really good on her bookshelf next to her printed books.

free from cricket!

girl in the box print copy

Confined to a motorized box-like wheelchair, space station worker Ammi thinks a future with a young Gaian man is impossible.

Now free everywhere!

latest from janet!


She was wrong for him...until she wasn't

where's janet?
